Saturday, August 19, 2006

So I still don't have a six pack but I am skinny again. Yay.

Crunches and leg lifts every morning and every night will make you belly go away. I am but a couple weeks away from being really skinny again.

So I am heading back to Cali shortly. Santa Cruz here I come again. I just need to figure out when and for how long I am going to stay pre and post SBCU.

So my truck hates me. I love american cars. If you look to some of my old post you know just how much I LOVE my peice of shit truck. Now the idle is all fucked and there is a short somewhere in the wiring. I think it is time to just throw this fucker in the trash. Good news is that I have been bike commuting and it is awesome. I get to haul ass and do intervals every afternoon while riding the 12+ miles home on my daily route. Also, I am loging an extra 35 miles a day between my afternoon ride and commuting. I think this was one of the missing links from my training before. Constantly being on the bike allows me to get good fitness without stressing and working out hard every time I am on the bike which reduces injuries and ailments.

I think I may rent a car and head down to Orange County and maybe Huntington Beach to do some surfing (learning to surf);-) hell how hard can it be right? I know I am going to eat those words. Hey if anyone has any experience racing in Europe and want to give me any pointers for Italy please help me. I am planning a 3 week long trip to Italy to race bicycles and ass around in someone else's hood. I really need to get some pointers so if you can offer any advice other than train a lot please help me. LAE, JR

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