Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Logging Big Miles Again

Well I have been slacking in my training. However, now that I have a some extra time I am back on the bike logging the big miles. Yesterday was a long day on the bike.

I was out burning off a little steam and ended up cramping pretty bad. I sk8ed out of work at 2:00 pm and took off to explore the country side of EBR parish, Ascension Parish, and Ibberville Parish. Well, the prision loop is great if you are a guy. You have never seen so many chicks in orange as you do at the Elyan Hunt Women's Correctional Facility in St. Gabriel, LA. Yeah these are chicks you would never want to run into at a bar. I was a little dissapointed. I usually catch a crowd and you have never heard the cat calls or construction site behavior as a large group of women that are in prision. This loop was just under 53 miles from work. Then I promptly followed it with the training race which is a 32 mile jaunt on RR which traverses many of the same decrepit pavement. All in all I logged 100 miles or so with a really hard training race in the latter half.

It is looking like I am going to the trail this afternoon followed by a quick trip by my buds home, then sleep.

Noxubee Crest (Tombigbee National Forest) Rock Crusher Classic.
This will be a quick little 28.5 mile race with a fair amount of climbing. They are saying that there is a 4 minute climb per lap and with 5 laps that will be a solid 20 min of climbing. With Bump-N-Grind right around the corner climbing proficency comes at a premium. Bump has in store a 4 mile climb that I will have to pick my way up twice. While chasing the Cajun Rocket Jason Sager up Oak Mountain. Why do I do this again???

Well LAE crew,

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