Sunday, September 14, 2008


All to frequently we loose track of time. Like when you walk out of your front door late for school and you forget to toss on your trousers. I have neglected to study sufficiently for my next attempt of the LSAT. I hate to speak in cliches but it is time to burn the midnight oil and force the consumption, digestion and eventual excretion of test taking skills long since forgotten. Since my last days of school years ago I rarely have had opportunities to really work out the ole brain muscle. I guess I have come to a crossroads. One can go through life and be a beach or ski bum, but those that are truly successful at this endeavor worked hard to find out that it was there true calling in life and not the life of an attorney or pH d. I need to work hard for a few weeks both on the bike and in the books. So a temporary leave of absence is necessary from my social life in order to complete my preparations for a date with destiny. Another opportunity to smudge a finger print and totally think I aced this test awaits me. So good by cold beer and hello coffee and aspartame.

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